Characteristics of a Healthy Church (Acts 2 with a statement about the unusual growth of the church. the Studies in the Book of Acts series prepared by. The book of Acts provides a detailed, orderly, eyewitness account of the birth and growth of the early church and the spread of the gospel immediately after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Its narrative supplies a bridge connecting the life and ministry of Jesus to the life of the church and the witness of the earliest believers. Whenever I read through the book of Acts I'm struck with the number of times Luke comments on the growth of the church. The early church was a growing church. The language of growth in Acts can be grouped into two broad categories: 1) texts that speak of the word of God increasing or spreading 2) texts that speak of the number of disciples increasing. 5 Church Growth Principles From the Apostle Paul biblical churchgrowth principles we see in the book of Acts. What other biblical church growth. Acts of the Apostles often referred to simply as Acts, is the fifth book of the New Testament; and the growth of the church in Jerusalem. Phil Sanders, instructor1 NSOP Church Growth, Fall 2003 Syllabus for Church Growth The study of Church Growth encomp Sep 30, 2009Making sure the next generations leaders are qualified is crucial to the future growth and health of the church. 10 STRATEGICALLY WITNESS Acts 1: 8, 10: 148, 11: 1926, 13: 152 Jesus gave the disciples an evangelism game plan in Acts 1: 8 and we can see it being carried out throughout the rest of the book. What Can We Learn from the Book of Acts? the life of Christ with the growth of the Christian church. Acts shows us how the church is to respond when living. In spite of immorality church grew! Given today as the reason for little growth! Active Opposition To The Truth Acts 4: 1718; 5: 28; 8: 13; 14: 26. Acts 9: 2325 A church was present in Damascus. Acts 9: 32 A church had been established in Lydda. Acts 9: 35 A church was established in Sharon. This is about principles not techniques for healthy church growth. From Acts 1 2 In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach book of the Bible. To my knowledge, however, no church growth book with a complete focus on Acts has been written. For an example of one church growth writer's use of Acts, see C. Wagner, Strategies for Church Growth (Ventura, CA: Regal, 1987) 4749. Peters, A Theology of Church Growth (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981) 25. Church Growth in the Acts of the Apostles Kindle edition by John Miller, Hayes Press. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. echurch Engagement Church Growth Platform. Within the Acts of the apostoloi there are theoretical and practical exemplars which the contemporary church may pattern to navigate a pathway to fruitful. The church in our time must return to the clear and recurring pattern we find in the book of Acts. THE MEANING OF CHURCH GROWTH (Matthew 28: 1820) I. When you read through the book of Acts, you see numerical growth. The Book of Acts: A Pattern for Modern Church Growth; 2. We Have Now Received the Atonement 3. Saved and Enabled by the Grace of Jesus Christ; 4. The Wisdom of Men: Greek Philosophy, Corinthian Behavior, and the Teachings of Paul; 5. The Unifying Power of Spiritual Gifts; 6. Paul's Teachings in 1 Corinthians on Women; 7. Church Growth in the Book of Acts. Professor of New Testament Studies Acadia Divinity College, Wolfville, Nova Scotia Elmer Towns reveals the relevance of Acts, Hebrews, James, the two Books of Peter, the three Books of John and Jude for today's living and learning. echurch Engagement Church Growth Platform. The Book of Acts and Church Growth [F. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. The biblical treatment of church growth is focused onh the Book of. Church Growth in the Book of Acts A church of Christ can and will grow spiritually and numerically when it is faithful to the word of God. Church Growth Statements in the Book of Acts Barnes Bible Charts 2: 41 Jerusalem About 3, 000 souls were added to them 1st 2: 47 Jerusalem The Lord added to