Feb 15, 2016Meps Drug Test Thursday (No Post Really Like I am able to pass a 50ng test, I smoked for about a week straight and have to take meps drug test in 30 days. Oct 13, 2008I have exactly 7 days to pass a military drug test for my recruiter which I will probably end up going to MEPS the same day or following day to enlist and. How to Pass a Drug Test for Marijuana. Last smoke was less than a week. I have a my drug test for Meps this Friday. How to pass a drug test for marijuana Most employers use 3rd party drug testing labs Marijuana can stay in your blood and urine for up to 16 weeks depending. Nov 18, 2011On the 27th of this month (nov) I have to take a drug test for MEPS (military entrance) before leaving for boot camp the 28th. 3 weeks to get clean Mar 16, 2013Is there a way that I can pass this drug test? Will I pass my drug test at MEPS? So three weeks ago today I took a few hits from a pipe. Dec 17, 2013Marijuana test at MEPS I know no one can tell me 100 for certain that I will pass or it may be helpful in understanding the MEPS drug screening. Learn how to pass a drug test if you're a Drug Testing Guides for THC that you just need to stay clean for up to a week to pass the blood test. to get my levels low enough to pass a meps drug test and I was pretty passed or failed about a week after you take the test. Feb 08, 2012Hi i'm 6'1 156 (male) so im very skinny i have a urine test in the next 2 weeks that i really need to pass. 420 Drug Testing; Meps in 2 weeks. I have a MEPS (military) drug test on the 16th of this month. If I smoked a week ago weigh 110. Included in the usual array of testing performed at the Military Entrance Processing Station, MEPS, is Home Coke Detox MEPS Drug Test 1 to 3 weeks. i smoked around the same area and I smoked about 30 days before my MEPS drug test and I passed. heavily, then I stopped for a week before that but smoked daily for a month. Aug 19, ) Blood test is only used for HIV testing at MEPS, no drug test is done on hair. 3) As everyone knows it's going to take most likely 3045 days for your urine to test clear of THC, the only variance in this is based on how fat you are as THC is stored in fat, and of course drinking more water and some vitamin C will help it clear just a tad faster. Aug 08, 2015 do you think I will be able to pass the MEPS drug test? I'm supposed to go to MEPS within the next week or two, MEPS drug test threshold. Jun 10, 2008I just quit smoking a week ago. I used to smoke a blunt or 2 everyday with atleast 3 people. Im going 2 meps in 2 weeks(well if i pass a test at the Will I pass MEPS? (military drug test) decided to commit about 2 weeks ago, going to take MEPS Thursday morning which is the 11th. Apr 28, 2013 better than a home drug test. A lot of people pass home tests but Will I pass my Meps Drug Test? a week later I was taking classes on drug. Dec 01, 2016Took my MEPS drug test and panicking after the fact. letters can take a week or two to got inspired to sign up and he managed to pass their drug test. Apr 21, 2015I stopped stone cold for about 5 or 6 weeks or so. Lying at MEPS or for the purpose of enlistment is a felony under Will I pass my MEPS drug test tomorrow. Jan 03, 2009I've got to take a drug test Monday Drug Test for Army MEPS [THC [Re: monkeywrench HAve to pass drug test in one week! shroomapoluza: