Jan 09, 2016A Way to Start Paying College Athletes. Playing football or mens basketball is a fulltime job and then some. The appeal of college athletics. The payforplay topic seems to never end, but with court decisions regarding the topic finally wrapping up, is it time to start paying studentathletes. Commentary: Enough madness: Just pay college athletes It's time for the NCAA to start paying its athletes. Siegfried Its Time We Start Paying College Athletes, Or At Least Start Giving Them Coupons To P. Changs Download thesis statement on Paying College Athletes in our database or order an original thesis paper that will be written by one of our staff writers and delivered. ON Monday, Auburn University will take on Florida State University in the national Bowl Championship Series football game. The National Collegiate Athletic. Apr 03, 2014Arguments over money and bigtime college athletics are college athletes should be paid with athletes receiving a we've got to start with the. Should College Athletes Be Paid? articles in favor of paying college athletes and arguments against. measures in the sport of college football. At that time Dec 30, 2011Indeed, given the way bigtime college sports are going, paying the players may be the only way to save them. There are five elements to my plan. The first is a modified freemarket approach to recruiting college players. Instead of sweettalking recruits, college coaches will instead offer athletes real contracts, just as professional teams do. Is It Time to Start Paying College Athletes? in athletic scholarships marks the first time that college football players Is it time to start treating college. Aug 13, 2014The judge made the right decision because it's time to start paying college athletes. The bottom line is it's time to pay college athletes. Apr 21, 2015Will Paying College Athletes Looking at the total number of athletes on scholarship, if every big time RECOMMENDED BY FORBES. College sports are mass entertainment. It's time to fully reward players for their work Sep 16, 2013TIME Magazine Cover: It's Time to Pay College Athletes. MY ACCOUNT SIGN IN SIGN OUT SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE. TIME features Johnny Manziel on cover, says it's time to start paying college players It's time to pay college athletes. Its Time to Start Paying College Athletes The NBA has seen many different players come and go throughout its 50 years of existence. In the last 15 years, there has. Is it finally time to start paying college athletes with the return of college football has come the perennial argument over whether student athletes should be paid. Time Magazines latest cover features Johnny Manziel alongside a powerful BUY ME headline: Its time to pay college athletes. Time Magazine could have softened. The Case for Paying College Athletes market in bigtime college athletics appealing, though how such a market would work, and the transition to it. Mar 19, 2015Having athletics there sucks away the educational purpose of college. For example, I am a fulltime student who has been blessed with having educational expenses taken care of. And at the same time, I get paid for writing this opinion column for you to read. Its not a lot of money, but it does help in paying bills and food. Feb 02, 2016Enough madness: Just pay college athletes. It's time for the NCAA to start paying its athletes. It's time for the NCAA to start paying its athletes. Apr 04, 2017Now that the NCAA Tournament is over, it's time for college athletic programs and the NCAA to take a long look at possibly paying student athletes.