How many countries are in Africa? This is a list of all recognised countries in Africa and their capitals, sorted out in alphabetical order. The capital of Egypt is Cairo; Egypts largest city. There are about 81, 015, 887 people living in Egypt. Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East Egyptians speak Arabic. World Countries Country Capitals and Currency A comprehensive list of countries, their capital cities, PDF generated by PHPKB Knowledge Base Script. Country Capital Afghanistan Kabul Albania Tirana Kuwait Kuwait City Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Laos Vientiane Latvia Riga Lebanon Beirut Lesotho Maseru. As the capital cities of their countries, these 197 towns differ greatly in terms of safety, prices, health care, pollutions level and other. 119 rowsCountries and their Capitals List of Countries and their Capitals of the World in PDF. A comprehensive list of countries, their capital cities, Documents Similar To Skip carousel. Countries of the World Page 1 List of Countries in the World S. Country Capital Continent 56 Djibouti Djibouticity Africa European Union: Countries and its Capital Cities the European Union has 27 member countries. Check your knowledge of the countries and their capital cities. Title: Countries And Capitals Worksheet Intermediate Author: Josef Essberger for EnglishClub. com Subject: Vocabulary worksheet matching countries to capital cities. This article provides a list of Countries and Capitals. Download these GK Notes in PDF for revision later. Download this as PDF List of Countries and Capitals. As the capital cities of their countries, these towns differ greatly in terms of safety, prices, health care, pollutions level and other conditions. Given below is the list of Countries and Capitals in alphabetical order. There are 205 countries on the main list, plus the 2 at the end. Click the image below to view the list, or right click to save. Its a PDF file formatted to fit on letter (8. List of national capitals by population. CountryTerritory Capital List of countries whose capital is not their largest city. capital cities of countries around the world Lessons that might be related to countries and capital cities. c capital cities given in the orthography or Romanized form generally used on United Nations maps. D commonly found alternative forms of capital cities and. COUNTRIES CAPITALS CONCENTRATION. The Saylor Foundation 1 List of Countries, Capitals, and Geographic Features These are Africas countries and capitals as well as a selection of key. Countries of Africa: Format Black white version: PDF, JPEG. Capitals of Africa: Format: PDF 71kb JPEG 171kb: Africa's capitals and major cities. Capitals, largest and secondlargest cities by country. This is a list of national capitals in alphabetical order, including territories and dependencies. As of 2017, there are 196 nations officially recognized as independent countries in the world, each with its own capital city. There are, however, a significant. European Countries: Format: PDF 57kb JPEG 165kb The Mediterranean's Capitals and Major Cities: Format: PDF 200kb JPEG PDF 144kb JPEG 127kb: Capitals. 54 African countries and their capitals in alphabetical order. Briefly about the best capital cities for life and travel in this region. List of Countries, Capitals, Currencies, and Languages Country Capital(s) Guatemala Guatemala City Spanish List of countries by national capital and largest cities It has been suggested that this article be