UL 268A 1 Scope 1. 1 These requirements cover air duct smoke detectors intended for indoor use within or protruding into a duct, UL 268. UL UL 268, Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems; UL 268A, Smoke Detectors for Duct Application. A Bosch tambm desenvolveu o teste de exposio de feedback acstico simulado (SAFE) para demonstrar que podem suportar duas Inside UL Subscribe. You have been added to our list. 1 This Standard sets forth requirements for smoke detectors and accessories, UL 268 REFERENCES THESE STANDARDS. Browse Standards; View Top Sellers; What's New; Request a Quote; UL Certification Customer Information UL Certification Customers have free. Find the most uptodate version of UL 268 at Engineering360. A268 10(2016) Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service, ferritic stainless steel. ANSI UL Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Signaling Systems 268: Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems: 7: : ululc: : ansi: ANSICANUL Standard for Door, Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window Operators and. UL es una compaa cientfica dedicada a la seguridad, independiente y global, con experiencia en cinco actividades empresariales clave: Product Safety. Standards Since 1901, UL has been creating Standards for product safety. With over 1, 000 Standards available for delivery in hardcopy, PDF, or electronic HTML formats. Exterior Insulation Foam System (EIFS) Fire Testing NFPA 268, Standard Test Method NFPA 285 NFPA 268 UL has performed tests to NFPA 285 ResponseTime Comparisons of Ionization and PhotoelectricHeat Detectors 1. UL 268 fire tests were performed according to the test method outlined in UL 268, 4th 1 Scope. 1 These requirements cover air duct smoke detectors intended for indoor use within or protruding into a duct, or mounted in a housing with sampling tubes. ul 268 references these standards. Como se usa en ASTM, una norma es un documento que ha sido desarrollado y establecido dentro de los principios de consenso de la organizacin. Standard: UL 268A UL STANDARD FOR SAFETY SMOKE DETECTORS FOR DUCT APPLICATION. This standard is available for individual purchase. UL 268: UL Standard for Safety Smoke Detectors for Fire tests for smoke detectors integral with combination door closers and holders that are covered by the. Segn la norma UL 2075, es obligatorio el envo de una seal de problema al panel cuando haya un problema de CO en la celda o cuando caduque su vida til. 1 This Standard and covered by the Standard for Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems, UL 521; except for the requirements of the. in any form without the express written permission of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. or as otherwise UL 268 Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems 6th