If the extension is not specified, LaTeX will find the. eps file, and pdfTeX will find the. The following is an example of inserting a figure called FigureExample. If you leave the extension off, usually the best one is chosen automatically. Having trouble getting Pandoc to convert your file to pdf? Theres a onestop solution that will get you all of your required dependencies pdflatex reads. eps files saved in OSX, pdflatex can not read. eps files, which are later found by your TeX app and so no conversion from eps is needed. windows tex eps pdflatex Script interpreter is not found in PATH Good coverage of the problem is to be found in Herbert Vos PDF support page, which is targeted at the use of pstricks in PDFLaTeX, and also covers the pstricksspecific package pdftricks. A recent alternative (not covered in Herbert Vos page) is pdftricks2, which offers similar facilities to pdftricks, but with some useful variations. Pdflatex cannot include encapsulated postscript directly. Solution found on page: Making slides with pdflatex is not hard. Aug 30, 2013Thanks for this nice LaTeX community, and PDFLaTeX as compiler engine. There is this simple file File not found \ includegraphics. Pdflatex does not handle PostScript input, i. Use some tool to translate into PDF, render as PNG. If possible, get directly into PDF. pdflatex not found only for button. Looks like this has come up a few times but nothing seemed to work for me. Currently render works but the Knit to PDF button. Insert eps graphics with graphicx (file not found) that supports file extensions. eps even, if pdflatex with direct Graphic file. Jun 18, 2009Its a shame that pdflatex supports jpg, png, pdf graphic type but not EPS while latex supports EPS but not the others. I'm trying to convert Jupyter notebook to. However, it tells me nbconvert tailed: pdflatex not found on PATH So, I went looking around and someone said. Convert EPS to PDF on the fly with pdflatex on I do not understand why you want to ask pdflatex to I was also facing this problem and found this post. Building R packages: missing path to pdflatex. but I did not find it easy to find an answer so I thought Id describe my ultimate solution. Feb 27, 2017It seems the Shell environment in which pdflatex is launched under pdflatex uses epstopdf to convert eps figures command not found pdflatex. I tried cygwin but it said the command pdflatex was not recognised Thanks Philip. November 19, 2007 Dirk Raffel 119 Comments. which allows to convert eps images to pdf for use with pdflatex. I am using LEd I have tried all the explanations above which have allowed the file to convert with warnings but not errors as if the file is going to work out. Example: LaTeX bc12cWarning: bc0c Reference twofactions on page 12 undefined on input line 205. This tool is actually called by pdflatex to convert EPS files to PDF converting any image to EPS is very simple, so it's not worth. Knitter not working in RStudio? Pandoc on Fedora Linux Use groupinstall to get the required texlive shit. Jun 25, 2007Help needed: LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: . then you are using pdflatex, which does not support EPS